215 923 2355
Before you contact us, please take some time to consider these questions. This will allow us to serve you faster. Thank you
1. Purpose of photo: |
- decoration
- evoke mood
- grab attention
- advertising
- editorial
- other
2. Content of photo: |
What are you looking for? What are the major and minor objects in the picture? What are their relative positions, (if that is important)?
3. Headline: |
Do you need room for copy or caption within the image?
4. Shape: |
Vertical or horizontal, square?
5. Usage: |
For what purpose are you using an image? An ad, brochure, magazine, book, billboard etc.
6. Usage position: |
Where will the ad be used? back cover, front cover, interior, centerfold, etc.
7. Size: |
Full page, quarter page, etc.
8. Insertions |
How many?
9. Duration of usage. |
Usage is for one time use; but, web sites and billboards for example, require a different specification. How many months or years?
10. Publication/Magazine: |
If placed in a publication, is the publication local, national, regional, or international?
11. Cost of media buy? |
How much are you spending for the advertisement?
12. Print Run: |
Magazine circulation or print run (quantity of brochures, postcards, press kits, etc.)
For additional information for assignments and stock, please contact Iris Richardson at 215-923-2355 or email iris@irisrichardson.com.